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20: God Invites Us

Guest: Wyndy Corbin Reuschling

Wyndy Corbin Reuschling reminds us of God's great invitation to be a part of His work in the world and inspires us to join that work through investing in our communities.

TeachBeyond President David Durance returns to the podcast today to share wise words about leading through crisis.
  • Check out this article from Wyndy: God Invites Us
  • For more on calling, check out Episode 3.
  • “God has gifted humans with capacities to use gifts and skills and knowledge and wisdom and education to continue the work that God has in creation.”
  • “We are all called to be disciples of Jesus, we are all called to be in Christian community, and we’re all called, I think, to use our gifts and graces to participate in God’s work in the world. Maybe the specifics are left more to us than we might think.”
  • “We aren’t pawns in a giant cosmic scheme. We are invited by the living God.”
  • “God still loves the world, and God still works to redeem it.”
  • “The deepest tragedy in our world is not that rich folks don’t care about poor folks; the tragedy is that rich folks don’t know poor folks.” - Shane Claiborne
  • The Prophetic Imagination by Walter Brueggemann
  • “And of course it starts with us, doesn’t it? Does the love of God properly order my love of students, my love of my community, my spouse - and then, how does that get practiced?”
  • “My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going [...] but I believe that the desire to please You does in fact please You.” - The Merton Prayer
  • “I think that there’s a wide range of grace to make decisions to participate in God’s work in the world.”
What's changing our lives:
  • Keane: Monday Zoom calls with family
  • Heather:
  • Wyndy: Period of waiting
Weekly Spotlight: GDQ International Christian School

We'd love it if you would subscribe, rate, review, and share this show! And as always, you can reach us at [email protected]. See you next Friday!
19 Feb 21
by kfine

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