Bring a Team to English Camp
English language skills are highly sought after in many parts of the world. Working together with a national host, TeachBeyond provides English language learning opportunities taught by native and/or fluent English speakers. Typically, TeachBeyond has provided these services in summer camp settings. National hosts provide follow-up and discipleship.
Some of the most exciting developments are in countries closed to the gospel. That said, all language services are provided to campers with the understanding that the learning of English is part of a broader educational agenda which includes a spiritual and moral-ethical dimension.
We strongly encourage forming a full team of six to 16 adults from a church or organization in North America or the UK to work alongside our local partners. In doing so, your church or organization will form a long-term partnership with the local partners and campers that will build trust. Age is not a limitation or hindrance: we want people aged 19-70+. Our campers are hungry for genuine, Christ-like love, respect, and the close-knit community that develops during English Camps.
TeachBeyond will provide pre-departure training for your team and will coordinate details with the national leader overseas. TeachBeyond also will provide a supervisor who will walk your team through the application process, training, vetting, and mobilizing your team members–and provide guidance throughout your time overseas. Your TeachBeyond supervisor will be there for you each step of the way!
Want to know more?
- Check out the camp possibilities: English Camps
- Bring a full team: English Camp Teams
- Email for more details: [email protected]
Stories from our English Camps

From Eurasia...

From Kandern, Germany...

From Brazil