As we approach 40 Days of Prayer 2025, we will focus on praying “In His Name to All Nations (Luke 24:47)” using Luke 24 & the book of Acts. We will use the words God has given us in His Word to deepen our conversations with Him. We want to continue to establish prayer as the foundation to the way TeachBeyond carries out our mission, to foster communities of prayer for all members.
God’s Word is so rich and full, providing us with wonderful opportunities to saturate our lives with His thoughts and ways. Each weekday we will focus on a passage from Luke 24 or the book of Acts. Saturdays we will share stories of answered prayers of faith in His name to all nations. Sundays, we encourage everyone to pray and worship in community wherever you are.
Let’s pray together, grow together, share stories together, and give God the glory for the transformation He has for us.