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Stories of Transformation & News

We are back for season 5! Author and artist Ruth Chou Simons joins Heather and Keane for this first episode of the season focused on finding our...
04 Oct 24

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We are back for season 5! Author and artist Ruth Chou Simons joins Heather and Keane for this first episode of the season focused on finding our...
04 Oct 24
Can you keep up?! Today’s digital world is very different from the digital world of ten years ago, five years ago... in fact probably even last...
28 Sep 24
When Jesus is in the details of our lives, we can be confident that He is in the classroom.
25 Sep 24
“It was amazing to watch the participants in our first-ever ESL camp, go from shy to confident in their desire to speak English,” says Jeff Kim,...
20 Sep 24
On August 17, 2024, 40 participants, along with their dogs, joined the TeachBeyond "Walk Across the Bay" fundraiser from Arnside to Grange over...
13 Sep 24
God will complete the transforming work that He has begun in each of His children, using teachers immersed in His word and continually talking to Him.
11 Sep 24
We ask some of our newer members some questions about going on mission and what life has been like for them.
06 Sep 24
Positive transformation is crucial for those who influence others.
28 Aug 24
I recall many times God provided for the needs we faced from the very beginning. At that time, many people came to Christ through the evangelistic...
15 Aug 24