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Frequently Asked Giving Questions

General questions
How can I be sure I am giving in Canadian Dollars/US Dollars?

Once you enter your designation and amount, you can choose to give in USD or CAD.

I live in Canada but my missionary is from the US. Do I need to give in USD?/ I live in the US but my missionary is Canadian? Do I need to give in CAD?

You should give in the country where you live and pay taxes regardless of the citizenship of the missionary you support. Your donations will be transferred to the TeachBeyond office from which your missionary is paid or to the project/school you are supporting.

How do I give anonymously?

All our giving options offer anonymous giving. Please click “anonymous.”

Need help?

Tel: 630-324-8177
Toll free: 1-800-381-0076 Ext 1

Tel: 204-334-0055
Toll free: 1-888-334-0055

Email: [email protected]

Setting up an Account
How can setting up an online account help me?
Setting up an online account makes it simple for you to make future gifts with just one click! With an online account, you can update your contact information, add or delete payment methods, and change the schedule and amount for your recurring gifts.  Having an account is a convenient, user-friendly way to manage your giving. You can see all your giving, both online and offline (eg. check) on your account.
How do I set up an online account?
Click the Login icon on the upper right of any web page. Then a window will appear that allows you to either log in to an existing account, or to sign up for a new one. You’ll enter your name and email address, and then create a password. After you do that, you’ll receive an email from us asking you to confirm your email address by clicking on a link. That’s the last step to gain access to your new TeachBeyond donor account. From there, you can log in to manage your giving and contact information securely at any time.
How do I update my account’s contact information?
To update your contact information, log in. Under My Account, select Edit Profile. You’ll be able to update your phone number, mailing address and your account password from there.
How can I update the payment method for my online account?
To update your payment method, log in to your account. Under My Giving, scroll down to the Payment Methods section. There, you’ll be able to add, delete or update the payment methods you prefer for your online giving.
What’s the benefit of switching to EFT/PAD giving?
EFT (US) or PAD (CA) transactions have a low flat fee which TeachBeyond covers, while credit card fees are 2.5% of the donation and must be either deducted or added to the donation amount. By switching to EFT/PAD giving, your donations are still safe and convenient, and your donation will be entered without these fees. You also won’t have to worry about your donation stopping if your card expires or is compromised. Simply follow the steps in #4 above to change your payment method.
Is my online giving secure?
Keeping your information safe is very important to us. Your credit card or bank account details are encrypted so that you or others can’t view the whole number by logging into your online account.
I’ve forgotten my password. How can I get it back?
To protect your account, we don’t store your password. Instead, you can reset it by clicking the Login icon on any web page. A window will appear, and on the left side is a link to click that will help you.
Missionary Information
What is the account number for the missionary or project I support?

Each missionary unit (individual or couple) and TeachBeyond project is assigned an account number. This number is on every receipt or acknowledgment that you receive from TeachBeyond. If you cannot find this, please contact us.

What happens to my donations if my missionary does not go?

These funds will be used for other missionaries in need or a project approved by the TeachBeyond Leadership. TeachBeyond cannot refund donations due to governmental restrictions on charitable donations.

Will TeachBeyond stop my donations if my missionary ends service?

TeachBeyond missionaries who serve between one and three years qualify for three months’ transition support with an added one month per year up to six months. This is a great help to our missionaries during their transition. TeachBeyond office staff will then cancel all recurring gifts. If you wish to stop your giving before then, please contact Donor Services or go to your giving account online and change the end date for your giving.

How are missionaries paid?

Most TeachBeyond missionaries raise their own prayer and financial support. Several TeachBeyond positions receive a stipend which covers some in-country expenses. Upon acceptance missionary candidates receive a support schedule which reflects their personal, family and ministry needs and the cost of living in the area of the world where they serve. TeachBeyond missionaries receive a set salary, provided the funds are available in their ministry account. All gifts given for missionary support are held in TeachBeyond’s accounting system under the designated account number. These funds remain available for the missionary for salary and ministry expenses.

Does TeachBeyond assess an administrative allocation on donated funds?

Yes, TeachBeyond’s administrative allocation is normally 12% on all funds given for individual accounts and 6% for organizational projects. After 5 years of service, administrative allocation for individual accounts is decreased to 10%. Administrative Allocation funds are used by TeachBeyond to cover a wide array of administrative and ministry expenses incurred by TeachBeyond (processing donations, mailings, administering insurance and retirement plans, various home office expenses, recruiting, new candidate orientation, and others) to support the ministry of our members and project.

Other Giving Options

(Giving methods, and giving from other countries)

How do I give by check/cheque? Do I write my TeachBeyond missionary’s name on the memo line?

Make all checks/cheques payable to TeachBeyond. Do not write missionaries’ names on the memo line.

Include a paper US or Canadian support form with your first check/cheque with complete profile information. TeachBeyond will send you an acknowledgment with a tear-off portion (giving coupon) and return envelope for subsequent giving. Include the coupon with each gift to ensure accurate processing.

Bill Pay Giving (US Only)

What is Bill Pay giving?

Donors set up TeachBeyond as a payee on their banking Bill Pay page. Bank check services mail physical checks to TeachBeyond.

How do I set up Bill Pay giving?

Please submit this Bill Pay intent form. You will receive an email from TeachBeyond within 5 days with your missionary or project’s account number along with other important information about your Bill Pay setup.
What is TeachBeyond’s mailing address?

PO Box 610
Downers Grove, IL 60515-0610

2121 Henderson Hwy
Winnipeg, MB R2G 1P8

How can I give to TeachBeyond from my IRA?

The form below provides much helpful information about the procedure and tax benefits of IRA giving. To ensure accurate processing of a gift from your IRA , please complete and submit the form to our Donor Services department.  Please contact us if you have any questions about your IRA giving.

IRA Charitable Distribution - TeachBeyond

How can I give a gift of stock to TeachBeyond?

Because donor and designation information is not provided with gifts of stock, it is important to complete the following form before you give. This form also provides exact steps on how to complete your stock gift. Please contact us if you have any questions about your stock giving.

Stock or mutual funds TeachBeyond - TeachBeyond

How can I give in the UK?

Use this link: to give in the UK.

How do I give from countries other than the UK, European countries using the Euro and Switzerland?

Donors can use their personal PayPal account or credit card on our website  Giving Home – Give TeachBeyond

How do I give in Germany and other countries using Euros?

Donors from countries using the Euro as their currency can submit donations with appropriate designation here: TeachBeyond DE:

How do I give in Switzerland?

Swiss donors can transfer funds to the following bank account:

Postfinance Bern
IBAN: CH76 0900 0000 8511 3235 9

In the transfer description, please mark the designation.

For more information contact: Eliane Rühle [email protected]

Income Tax Receipts and Accountability
Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes, TeachBeyond is approved to issue tax-deductible receipts in both Canada and the USA. If you are not a citizen/resident of Canada or the USA, please see questions below regarding giving outside the US and Canada.

What is TeachBeyond’s tax ID? (US)

Our tax ID number is 16-1155027.

How will I receive my income tax receipt?

Donors who give with a check/cheque receive a paper acknowledgment each month with a return envelope for their next gift. Donors who give through bill pay (USA), credit card, debit card, or an EFT/PAD and provide a valid email address receive acknowledgments by email. If you are not receiving your emailed or mailed receipts/acknowledgments, please email us at [email protected] or call 800.381.0076 Ext 1 (US)/1.888.334.0055 (CA).

Where do I find my year-end receipt?

US: Donors receive an Annual Contribution Record each January by email.

CA: Donors receive a year-end receipt each January by mail.

What are TeachBeyond’s accountability standards and measures?

TeachBeyond is ECFA accredited in the USA. This means TeachBeyond meets or exceeds the Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship. These include: Doctrinal Issues; Governance; Financial Oversight; Use of Resources and Compliance with Laws; Transparency; Compensation-Setting and Related-Party Transactions; and Stewardship of Charitable Gifts.

TeachBeyond is an affiliate member of Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) in Canada and makes every effort to adhere to their standards.

Annual audits

Donation and financial activity are audited annually by CliftonLarsenAllen in the USA and by PricewaterhouseCoopers in Canada.

Need help?

Tel: 630-324-8177
Toll free: 1-800-381-0076 Ext 1

Tel: 204-334-0055
Toll free: 1-888-334-0055

Email: [email protected]