TeachBeyond USA
Mailing Address:
PO Box 610
Downers Grove, IL 60515-0610
Physical Address:
495 N Commons Dr, Suite #111
Aurora, IL 60504-8218
Tel: 630 324 8177 / toll free: 1 800 381 0076
TeachBeyond Global Office
Richmond House
13 Carfax
RH12 1AQ, UK
Tel: +44 1403 264173
TeachBeyond Canada
2121 Henderson Hwy.
Winnipeg, MB, R2G 1P8
Tel: 204 334 0055 / toll free: 1 888 334 0055
Fax: 204 339 3321
Janz Team/TeachBeyond Belarus
Minsk, 220107, Post Box-90
J. Rainisa str.6 office-133
Tel: +375 29 6777 266
TeachBeyond Deutschland
Tonwerkestraße 8
79400 Kandern, Germany
Tel: +49 07626-211-6363
Janz Team/TeachBeyond Brazil
Rua do Refúgio, 95
95670-000 Gramado – RS
Tel / fax: (00) 55 54 3286 1006
TeachBeyond United Kingdom
3.3.2 Storey House
White Cross, Lancaster
LA1 4XQ England
Tel: +44 (0) 1524846434
TeachBeyond France/Éducavie
182 chemin de Chatillon
26130 St. Paul Trois-Chateaux
Tel: (+33) 658 456 206
Other locations around the world
TeachBeyond is also an officially registered entity in Albania, Belize, Dem. Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Moldova, the Philippines, Portugal, Serbia, South Africa, and Switzerland. For more information about any of these offices, contact the TeachBeyond US office.