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102: Navigating University Admissions with Third Culture Kids (with Kristi Steele)

Kristi Steele of KC360 shares practical tips for parents, students, and educators walking through the university application process with Third Culture Kids from the US and Canada. Listen in for a deep dive into this topic!

  • KC360
  • “Starting early is really important.”
  • “One of the biggest value points that is highly underrated and rarely talked about is support. When you look at campuses, you need to look for their international office and what kind of TCK support they have.”
  • “The support level really does make or break a student’s success [...] and we just assume it’s going to be there.”
  • “Do they have the problems that you’re looking for? Do they have the TCK support?”
  • MyCAP - College Aid Pro
  • “A lot of students make better decisions by [...] putting everything on the table and having an informed decision.”
  • “Everything about college in this day and age from a financial perspective is ‘many streams equal one river.’”
  • “A university will want to see that you’ve used your gap year wisely.”
  • KC360 Podcast
  • TCK Training’s Launch Pad
  • You can contact Kristi directly at [email protected]!

To learn more about Third Culture Kids, listen to Episode 22 with Michele Phoenix or Episode 61 with Lauren Wells.

What’s changing our lives:

  • Keane: Trying out Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Heather: Watching a friend’s kids
  • Kristi: Seedlings

Weekly Spotlight: Chiang Rai International Christian School

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17 Mar 23
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