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10 Ways to Prepare to Serve in Missions

10 Ways to Prepare to Serve in Missions

By Heather Brown, Director of Mobilization

Are you considering serving overseas in the future? While you wait for the right time and opportunity, here are 10 impactful ways to prepare:

1. Pray. While this may seem like an obvious first step, it is truly the foundation of discernment and obedience. Instead of focusing solely on asking God where, when, and how to go (He will reveal that in His perfect timing!), pray for ways to use your gifts for His glory right now. Pray also for specific missionaries and countries of the world. As you intercede, God may deepen your heart for a particular people group, broadening your vision for His work in the world.

2. Serve where you are. Having Kingdom impact isn’t limited to those who raise support and travel overseas—it begins right where you are. As God opens doors to serve, step out in obedience. Engaging in ministry at home not only blesses your community, but also builds valuable skills for future cross-cultural service and can bring clarity about future direction.

3. Take a trip internationally. Whether it is a short-term mission trip, study abroad, or other travel opportunity, experiencing another culture provides opportunities to get outside of your comfort zone, see God at work around the world, and even discern where the Lord may be leading you someday.

4. Get involved in a missions-minded church. A strong church community fosters spiritual growth and connections with others pursuing global missions. Volunteer in ministries related to your skills or join the missions committee to learn more about missions. Deepening relationships and investing in the church could also lead to a meaningful sending partnership if you do serve in missions in the future.

5. Seek wisdom from others. Invite trusted mentors, pastors, family, and friends to speak into your discernment process. Do they see a match between your skills, passions, and the ministry you’re considering? Wise counsel can be invaluable in confirming your direction. You may also want to specifically seek out missionary mentors who can speak from their own experience in missions. If you don’t know someone personally, your church may be able to connect you to someone.

6. Befriend internationals. Cross-cultural relationships are at the heart of missions. Seek friendships with international students, refugees, and immigrant communities in your area. Approach these relationships with a posture of learning and hospitality.

7. Give sacrificially to missions. One of the best ways to cultivate a heart for global ministry is to invest in it. Financially supporting missionaries deepens an understanding of missions work and offers firsthand insight into fundraising and maintaining ministry partnerships.

8. Attend a missions conference or class. Join a local chapter of the Perspectives course or attend a missions conference at your university or in your community (such as Mission Connexion, Missionfest ManitobaUrbana Missions Conference) to gain invaluable insight into God’s heart for the nations. Take advantage of these opportunities to learn, connect, and explore ways to use your gifts in global service.

9. Read, listen, and learn. There is no shortage of resources on missions! Consider: 

  • Podcasts: TeachBeyond’s podcast, Transformed and Transformational, covers topics related to education, missions, and spiritual development - from Third Culture Kids to calling to cross-cultural transition.
  • Books: Read books about missions, such as Mission Smart by David Frazier, and if possible, discuss with a mentor or a small group of people who are considering missions. 
  • Social Media: Follow social media accounts related to missions or life overseas. TeachBeyond shares stories and updates on Facebook and Instagram, and many of our partnering schools and projects do, too. 

10. Download our free Next Steps journal! Click here to download the guided journal with five questions for reflection as you consider next steps.

Interested in talking with someone on our team? We'd love to connect with you. Click here to begin the conversation today and explore opportunities.

24 Jul 18
by By Heather Brown, Director of Mobilization

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