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121: Following in Humility (with Brian Delamont)

What does it look like to follow the humble example of Jesus? Brian Delamont unpacks what Scripture has to say about humility, the first of TeachBeyond’s core values.

  • “Recognizing the Lordship of Christ, we consider the needs of others above our own. We approach all situations with the attitude of learners and seek to discern what God is already doing and where He is inviting us to join Him. We contextualize our practices to the cultures in which we serve in order to both represent and present the Gospel of Jesus Christ effectively.” (From TeachBeyond’s Core Values)
  • Article by Dan Cable from Harvard Business Review
  • “A humble leader increases the success of his or her team by encouraging them to become more of who they are to bring more of their skills, more of their creativity, into their workplace, into their classroom, or into their family.”
  • Psalm 8
  • “Biblically-based humble thinking affirms both our significance in God’s eyes and in His greater plan for redemption.”
  • Proverbs 11:2
  • Mark 10
  • “We must right-size ourselves in light of God’s plan.”
  • Philippians 2:1-18
  • John 3:28-30
  • Luke 14
  • Matthew 21:1-5
  • “Humility does not mean that you deny or refuse to be in a position of leadership or a position of authority. God wants to give this to us in His time and in His way.”
  • John 13
  • “Jesus invites us into life with Him, which inescapably includes a call to humility. It’s impossible to be one of his disciples and to not be challenged and called to humility. Disciples follow their teacher.”
  • Matthew 11:28-30
  • “He invites us to come to Him in order to be like Him.”

October Reflection: Where is God challenging you about humility?

What’s changing our lives:

  • Keane: Learning to tie knots
  • Heather: GooseChase scavenger hunts for a birthday
  • Brian: Leaders who have modeled humility

Weekly Spotlight: Arbor Christian Academy

We’d love to hear from you! [email protected]
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27 Oct 23

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