123: Round Table: Cultivating a Culture of Love & Respect in the Classroom
Join us around the table for a discussion about how to intentionally cultivate a culture of love and respect! Seasoned teachers and school leaders Jessica Moulding, Esther Burnham, and Randy Dueck share tips, inspiration, and personal stories from their decades of experience in schools.
- “Cultivating a Culture of Love and Respect in the Classroom” by Jessica Moulding
- “Classroom culture forms naturally. The students are going to form it. It’s all of the expectations and rules - both spoken and unspoken, just as any other culture.” - Jessica
- “As teachers and school leaders, we have the ability to help form that culture.” - Jessica
- “Most students spend a large majority of their time in our classrooms, and so [it’s important to make] that feel like their second home. And then also, when things go wrong, how do we respond?” - Jessica
- “We’re communicating to them directly, ‘You belong here. I notice you. I will see you, I will hear you, I’ve got you. I think every student in the classroom needs that culture with that teacher.” - Randy
- “It is a work of the Holy Spirit. We have a role, but it’s His job.” - Esther
- “In the classroom, working with a whole student means trying to give them a space that is safe enough for them to be human.” - Jessica
- “It’s that ‘doing life together’ and having a shared experience and enjoying little quirks.” - Esther
- “Those kids hadn’t changed, but I had, and my love for them had shifted.” - Jessica
- “There’s just so much power in submission to the Holy Spirit - whether that’s in laughter or prayer or intentional conversations - that when we just keep giving those mundane, normal moments back to Him, He is faithful and just to do incredible transformation through them.” - Jessica
What’s changing our lives:
- Heather: Changes in small group
- Randy: First snowfall of the season
- Esther: Reading a book about the Shantung Revival
- Jessica: Reflecting on God’s faithfulness and changing mindset about the future
Weekly Spotlight: Timothy Academy
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