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134: Phishing, Vishing, and Smishing (with Matt Johnson)

Be aware and play it safe! Listen in for cybersecurity tips from Matt Johnson, who works in IT with TeachBeyond.

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  • “The best response to phishing is to be aware that it’s out there.”
  • “It’s better to be wrong and not send the information than to be wrong and send the information.”
  • “Hang up - you don’t need to continue to engage with somebody if you feel like it’s a voice phishing attack.”
  • “You always learn the most by ‘getting got.’ It’s always better to ‘get got’ by your IT person than it is to ‘get got’ by someone that actually has malicious intentions.”
  • “The idea of just removing technology from our day-to-day lives is not a possibility, so you need to learn how to use it responsibly and how to prepare yourself and protect yourself the best way you can.”

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02 Feb 24
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