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135: Equipping Students to Manage Emotions (with Kelly Crandall)

This episode is for teachers, parents, and any caregivers of children! Hear from Kelly Crandall, TeachBeyond educator in the Philippines, about how to create environments, establish routines, and integrate strategies that foster emotional regulation.

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  • Equipping Students to Manage Strong Emotions article by Kelly Crandall
  • “If kids are anxious or upset or angry, there’s not a lot of learning that is getting into their brains. I see talking about emotions or helping students to regulate their emotions as an investment in the rest of their learning.”
  • “We do value academics as teachers, but we also recognize that our students are whole people.”
  • “As teachers, we have to stay regulated. It can be that when students’ emotions get big, ours get big, too.”

What’s changing our lives:

  • Keane: Glow-in-the-dark stars
  • Heather: Partial meal prepping while cooking
  • Kelly: Learning Calculus and being a learner

Weekly Spotlight: Faith Academy

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09 Feb 24
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