170: Moving from Anxiety to Peace (With Brian Delamont)

What keeps you up at night? What thoughts play on repeat in your mind? In this episode, Brian Delamont joins us to explore how God transforms our thinking—especially when it comes to anxiety and security. Drawing from Scripture we discuss how trusting in God's care can reshape our worries and bring lasting peace. Tune in for a thoughtful conversation on seeking God's Kingdom first and allowing His truth to guard our hearts and minds.
- Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen
- Proverbs 12:25
- The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt
- “Anxiety can flow from what we expose ourselves to, and it can be addressed or mitigated by what we expose ourselves to, as well.”
- Luke 12:22-34
- “God will take care of what is in His hands. Every good father watches over his children. The Father knows what you need.”
- “God’s Kingdom is where He rules and He reigns. It’s the wonder of the garden creation and the splendor of the new city with the Lamb of God and its centerpiece and light. Think about seeing God’s Kingdom in relationship to anxiety and security. When I seek His Kingdom, there is no fear in this task. It’s God’s Kingdom, and He rules, so I don’t need to. He invites me to be part of that dominion, and the starting point for God’s Kingdom coming is my heart and mind. If I give Him me, then his Kingdom will begin to be seen in me because I’ll reflect it. And God knows what we need.
- “Our Shepherd will provide care; therefore, I don’t need to be afraid to do what He has called me to do.”
- “Transformation is a change in how I think.”
- Psalm 127:2
- “God will accomplish His purposes. No amount of hard work, early mornings, late nights are going to gain a thing if God’s not in it.”
- “Rest is one of the gifts God has given us to counter anxiety and release control.”
- Philippians 4:6-8
- “God is offering us peace, even in persecution which is beyond a normal human response… It’s God setting up a fortress of peace around your heart and your mind.”
- The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis
- Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard
January Reflection: What am I thinking most about?
What’s changing our lives:
- Keane: The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt
- Heather: Cordless rechargeable lamps
- Brian: Reflecting on what he is thinking about
Weekly Spotlight: Christian Academy in Mozambique
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