35: Season 1 Finale!

Guest: Erin Hiatt
Graphic designer Erin Hiatt shares how the Transformed and Transformational cover image came to be and turns the table to ask co-hosts Keane and Heather about their experiences with Season 1 of the podcast.

- “Darker colors allude to permanence or a legacy, and then partnering that with the bold, bright burnt sienna sienna shows [...] that there is also modern, forward-thinking with the burnt sienna.”
- “Transformed and transformational is not about just us, it’s really what God is doing in transforming and allowing us to be transformational in the different things we are able to do all around the world.”
- Erin’s favorite episode: The Advent Project
- Quote from Episode 4: "It's a thousand yes-no decisions that enable transformation to happen. It's also a process of disciplining myself to choose to listen - choosing to listen to who God is and who He longs for me to be and become versus being king of the universe." -Brian Delamont
- Keane: Seeing his parents for the first time in over a year
- Heather: Article about transitioning to a new normal
- Erin: Springtime in the United States
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