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85: Joy of Every Longing Heart (Advent Episode with She Reads Truth’s Amanda Bible Williams)

We’re kicking off our annual Advent series with Amanda Bible Williams, co-founder of She Reads Truth! Amanda shares about keeping Scripture central, holding the tension of joy and longing, and how her family celebrates the season together.

  • She Reads Truth | He Reads Truth
  • “We exist to help women and men and families to open their Bibles every day.”
  • “The Advent season is the season of preparation to celebrate the birth of Jesus and to understand why we’re celebrating.”
  • “When Christmas day comes around, we’re not taken by surprise or struggling to remember what this day is really about, but we’re ready and we’ve been spending weeks pondering the manger.”
  • Isaiah 9:2
  • John 1:14
  • “Though the story is the same, we can approach it from different angles in different seasons of life.”
  • “Aren’t we all longing for something, for someone? As Christians, we believe that our longings at their deepest are only met in Jesus.”
  • She Reads Truth Podcast

Check out the Advent collection at and use the code AMANDA15 for 15% off!

What’s changing our lives:

  • Keane: Thanksgiving road trip and family time
  • Heather: Navigating flight changes
  • Amanda: Voice messages

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25 Nov 22
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