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92: Telling Our Stories (with Velvet Ashes’ Sarah Hilkemann)

Sarah Hilkemann of Velvet Ashes explores the power of hearing stories of past and current missionaries, as well as sharing our own stories, even when they are messy or difficult.

  • Velvet Ashes
  • Legacy Podcast
  • “Many of us who have served cross-culturally were inspired by those workers from the past.”
  • “It is easy to put cross-cultural workers now, but also in the past, on a pedestal, but I think we can learn so much from these stories from the past, more than just the hero status of these women.”
  • Yet We Still Hope Book
  • “We know that Jesus told stories, and we see that thread throughout Scripture as a really helpful and powerful way to interact with people and connect on a different level.”
  • “We see these women fighting for joy and holding tight to hope, and that can give us courage, too.”
  • “We need the messy stories. We need the stories of brokenness and hope and healing because it helps us remember we’re not alone, and it can give us the courage to keep going.”
  • “When we allow global workers to share their stories, it helps us remember that they are human. I think so many people have suffered or struggled in silence because they were held captive by that fear.”
  • “Transparency doesn’t necessarily mean sharing your story with everyone.”
  • “We don’t have to wait for the perfect situation and the perfect person to share things with [...] We need to find those people who are safe enough.”

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What’s changing our lives:

  • Keane: Poster printer at the library
  • Heather: Corgi coming to small group
  • Sarah: Fireplace videos

Weekly Spotlight: Christian Academy in Mozambique

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05 Jan 23
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