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93: The Practice of Processing (with Elizabeth Vahey Smith)

What does it mean to process our thoughts, feelings, and experiences? How can we develop the practice of processing? Author and speaker Elizabeth Vahey Smith guides us through a conversation on this topic.

  • Elizabeth Vahey Smith
  • The Practice of Processing
  • TCK Training
  • “Sometimes people get this idea that they can learn this skill to help someone else and aren’t really thinking about their own needs. I think that it’s really important to have this practice of processing for oneself before trying to help other people through it.”
  • “Processing can be applied to any emotion.”
  • “The practice of processing is systematically understanding, sorting, and proceeding with emotions in a healthy way.”
  • “When we start by processing the emotion that we’re feeling today, usually there is something in the past that led to that.”
  • “There are so many different ways that you can personalize processing for every individual journey, but it starts with having a time and space to do it.”
  • “TCKs in particular face so much grief during their childhoods.”

Want to learn more about Third Culture Kids? Check out Episode 22 and Episode 61!

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