99: Human Limitations, God’s Glory (with Brian Delamont)
As humans, we all experience different types of limitations. How can we glorify God in living with limits? Tune in to this episode as Brian Delamont returns to the podcast for a monthly episode on spiritual development.
- “Sin causes us to push against God’s wise and loving boundaries. Sin causes us to deny our susceptibilities and to assign more power to ourselves than we have. Sin tempts us to think that we know better and that we do not need what God knew we would need.” - Paul David Tripp
- “Our limitations aren’t just temporal but emotional, social, economic, and more. What if these limitations aren’t something to fight but to gratefully accept as a signpost to God’s call on our souls?” - John Mark Comer
- “Part of what’s happened is we’ve started to imagine that our limits are the result of sin and the fall. The surprise is God actually made us good, and part of the good is limits.” - Kelly Kapic
- Genesis 1:4
- “We weren’t ever meant to have unending days of work with no rest, neither were we meant to sleep all the time.”
- Genesis 1:7
- Genesis 3:16-17
- “In God’s perfect sinless, pre-fall creation, he placed limits on everything for its own good. God gave us freedom in the garden, but there was a good and godly boundary put in place so that we wouldn’t destroy it all.”
- “We have a distorted view of dependency or limits because they restrict our sense of independence.”
- Job 38:4-11
- 1 Corinthians 12:4, 12-13, 17
- “We need to work together, which means that there are limitations, differences in ability and capability, which, by God’s design, make our limitations work together under his divine direction.”
- “The incarnation is God choosing to live within the limits of his own creation: the Word became flesh.”
- “As Jesus models for us what being fully human is really meant to be, do we see Him railing and struggling and fighting against these limitations? No, He accepts them from His Father as part of God’s perfect plan to be with us.”
- Hebrews 4:15
- “Our limits and weaknesses are not in the way of what God can do through us, but our denial of limits and our delusions of independent strength are.” - Paul David Tripp
- Matthew 26:38-39
- “[God], by His Spirit, wants us to become all that He intends. He knows what you and I are capable of, and He empowers that. Yet, living within our limits is our acknowledgement of God’s design, authority, wisdom, and goodness.”
- “Sabbath is a pattern breaker [...] When we lay aside control and striving and trust God to be our Caregiver, trust God to be our Provider, and direct our hearts to worship Him, which is core to Sabbath practice, it does reframe our whole lives.”
February Reflection: Which limit is bothering you the most right now? What does this tell you about God and about yourself? Would God have the same conversation with you today that He had with Job?
What’s changing our lives:
- Keane: Parents visiting
- Heather: Asbury University revival
- Brian: Playing on a worship team again
Weekly Spotlight: GDQ International Christian School
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