166: Transformed Direction (with Brian Delamont)
In the final episode of 2024, Brian Delamont returns to the podcast to talk about transformed direction. Repentance isn’t just a one-time event at the time of salvation but a daily surrender and redirection.
- Joel 2:12-13
- “We can rationalize or explain just about anything in our behavior and our thinking rather than truly commit to a transformed direction.”
- “God is longing for us to genuinely change, for us to live lives fully integrated and aligned with Him.”
- Hear more about VIM on Episode 157
- Listen to “Come, Thou Fount” here and read more about the story behind the song here
- Acts 2
- “Repentance is not a one time for all time thing, but it is an ongoing act of our relationship with God.”
- “To repent is turning from sin and turning to God.”
- “It’s impossible to underestimate the power of a transformational change in direction. It can break generational patterns of behavior and bring freedom to entire family lines, entire communities.”
- A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson
- “God does give us moments, like mile markers along the way, that show us progress.”
- Mark 1:15
- “Transformation is not me mustering up enough grit or resolve to somehow change my life. Rather, I become a new creation in Christ Jesus. And this is made possible through the very life of Christ, the Holy Spirit living in me, pouring His life into my life in every way.”
December Reflection: What do I know needs changing? What do I need to repent of, so that I live fully into God’s future for me in the coming year?
What’s changing our lives:
- Keane: Neighborhood friends
- Heather: Doing “sprint” work on projects with her team
- Brian: Eggnog in his coffee
Weekly Spotlight: GDQ International Christian School
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