23: Fostering Leadership in the Classroom
Guest: Matt Coe
How can we lead well and cultivate Christ-centered leadership in our students? Matt Coe joins us to explore this big topic and share from his experience as a Sports Leadership instructor.![apple-podcasts-badge-300](https://teachbeyond.org/site-content/uploads/apple-podcasts-badge-300.png)
- “Just defining Christian leadership in itself is no easy task, and then, when you bring in the cultural element, and the virtues and values of what a good leader is in that context, it’s dramatically different.”
- GLOBE Project
- “If you have that underpinning of trust, then you can have robust conversations, then you can talk into people’s lives. A leader must be able to read the situation, must interpret the situation, and then use the right leadership quality for that moment, all wrapped in love.”
- “The character of our students is vital, the practical application of the skills that we are teaching them - organization, decision-making, teamwork, conflict - all of these things that we deal with in the mission world, we have an opportunity to teach that.”
- “As we release our students into the wider world, we need to be able to teach them to be adaptable and versatile and flexible.”
- “How can we always guide them back to the cross through the opportunities that we give for leadership?”
- “Everyone has capacities to lead in different ways.”
- Lead Like Jesus by Blanchard, Hodges, and Hendry
- “Everyone has their gifts, everyone has their strengths, so let’s play to those strengths and let’s form a team around it.”
- Leading from the Second Chair by Bonem and Patterson
- The Ideal Team Player by Lencioni
For more about missionary kids, listen to Episode 22: Third Culture Kids with Michèle Phoenix.
What's changing our lives:
- Keane: Habitica
- Heather: Meeting friends’ kids on Marco Polo
- Matt: The creativity of students
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