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11: In the Waiting

Guest: Jennifer Rymer

We all find ourselves in seasons of waiting, perhaps even right now. We might not want to wait, but we can be confident that God is in the waiting. Jennifer Rymer walks us through her story of trusting God’s timing and reminds us of the truths we can hold onto in the seasons of waiting.

  • “As I look at these periods of waiting, and even right now as we are in the lockdown, I can look back and say that I am right where God wants me. That brings reassurance. It’s not a mistake that I am here during this time. He does have a purpose for me being here.”
  • “God is still moving and providing opportunities, even though they’re not what I thought that they would be.”
  • “God was saying, ‘Follow Me. If this is where I’m telling you to go, then your job is to be obedient, and I will provide for you.’ It is moments like that where I feel like God has, in His kindness, spoken to me in ways that are meaningful and intimate to me that I just know that it’s Him. That looks so different from person to person, and even different moments in my life.”
  • “God is faithful to show us and tell us where He wants us to be. Sometimes it’s literally one step. Maybe He shuts the door, maybe it’s another step in another direction.”
  • “That obedience of that one step, even if you have no idea where that will lead or what it will look like, just taking the next step is what you have to do.”
  • “It’s remembering those times, being in continual prayer, reading the Word, and surrounding myself with people I can be really honest with that can speak truth into my life.  I think it’s this continual walk of staying close to the Lord and having that reassurance. When I do hear lies in my head, I can point them out as lies.”
  • “In the waiting, we can experience God in ways that we may not be able to otherwise.”
  • “God doesn’t always call us to easy things. But that is a time of growing and refining. I have grown, but my love for Him has also grown.”
  • “Even if it is hard or it’s not what we expect, God is with us through that.”
  • “As I am waiting, [it’s] being in the moment and living where God has placed me in that moment - loving the people that He has put in front of me for that moment, not wishing for the future or living in the future.”
  • “[I’m] continuing to rely on God and live with this picture of open hands. This is where You have me, and this is where I will be until You tell me that it’s time for the next thing.”
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18 Dec 20
by kfine

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