Introducing the First Global Transformational Education Centre
Introducing the First Global Transformational Education Centre
After years of prayer and planning, TeachBeyond celebrated the inauguration of its first Global Transformational Education Centre (GTEC) in Gramado, Brazil on October 4th, 2023. Members from around the world gathered to hear from national, regional, and global leaders about how the new GTEC will serve our global community, and to pray over the Gramado Base. Over the next few years, TeachBeyond plans to launch several more GTECs in strategic locations globally. While each GTEC will have its own flavor, we expect each will foster organizational effectiveness, increasing connection between local teams and global departments as hubs of missional engagement.
The central vision for GTEC: Gramado is to be a home for members—a place where people will be cared for and equipped and developed in their roles. The local and regional teams are building programs wherein new member orientation and leadership development training will be offered throughout the year. At any point, global members may also make the most of the gift of hospitality offered through Gramado.