Successful Open House at BridgeWay

The May Open House at BridgeWay North American School was a success! Parents who filled the seats had come short and long distances to check out our offerings. We gave tours, answered questions, explained our mission and introduced our newly-hired Mexican teachers. Our classrooms now have whiteboards and soon we will have tablets for the students.
We had a challenging week leading up to the open house. Right now, my favorite song is, “It is well with my soul,” which talks about how the wind and waves still know His name. We had the opportunity to watch the Lord work miracles.
First, the roof above the office caved in after a heavy rainstorm two weeks before the Open House. Next, the workmen who began installing the security system disappeared leaving wires everywhere. Then the security system that was in place overloaded the broadband causing us to lose internet. Last but definitely not least, the workers left the water on in several sinks the night before the open house. A huge flood was awaiting us the next morning, which was the morning of the Open House.
One by one, the Lord took care of each of these things that came at us like giant waves of the ocean in the last three days. As for the huge flood that morning, David Brownrigg, school director, worked at superhuman speed and got it all clean and ready to go with about an hour to spare.
It’s wonderful to watch the Lord calm the seas and speak to the waves, but it’s not wonderful in the midst of these storms. Afterward there’s a great story. I live now for the stories. I had no idea how boring my life was until this year seeing the Lord calm tidal waves and giant storms.