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The password must be at least 8 characters long and must contain at least 1 capital letter and 1 number.
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1 Select


2 Review


3 Personalize


4 Promote


Customize Your Campaign

Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Email
Campaign Name (max 50 chars)
The name your friends will see when they visit or search for your campaign
URL alias
The url your friends will visit to see your campaign. Personalize it or keep the default
Set Your Campaign Goal
My Goal
Your Photo
Upload a picture of yourself. This will display on the campaign and help your friends find your page.
No file selected
You did not select a picture. Your campaign will be published without a picture.
Campaign Description
Sample Campaign

Campaign Tips

1. The campaign goal must be a number so don't enter non-numeric characters like a dollar sign or commas.

2. Use a photo that will easily let donors identify the campaign.

3. Use the description field to explain the purpose of the campaign.

Note: If you paste in formatted text, you may not be able to save your campaign. Please either type the text here or paste it into Notepad first and then copy it here without formatting. You can then format the text using the options on this page.

4. Make a list of donors to share this campaign with. You will have an opportunity to send them a direct link to this campaign in the next step, which helps you to get a jumpstart on support and spreading the word!

Sample Campaign