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Africa Expansion Fund

$75,000 Project Goal
$460 Amount Raised
0% 100%
$74,540 Still Needed

Africa is the fastest growing continent in the world - both in terms of overall population as well as the size of the church. We have also been amazed by the ministry growth experienced since TeachBeyond began serving in Africa 15 years ago. Currently, there are 670 TeachBeyond members and associates serving nearly 12,000 learners across the continent. TeachBeyond ministries in Africa include international K-12 schools, vocational schools, teacher training, and  basic literacy and numeracy programs for children lacking access to formal education. In 2024, we are asking God to continue to grow his impact through TeachBeyond in this dynamic continent. Our Africa Expansion fund provides the funding to start new ministries on the continent, support national leaders, and resource our projects and programs. We invite you to join us in giving to the Africa Expansion Fund to help impact the current and future generations who have the potential to shape their continent and the world for the sake of the Gospel.