Beyond Inglês

Donate a chair, a book, or even a pencil!
In the city of Taguatinga, a satellite city of Brasilia, the need and desire for English is palpable. People recognize the economic, academic and social benefits of being able to speak the global language. The problem is that even middle class families can’t afford to send their children to English schools, or attend themselves. We are committed to offering a quality English program to the community as well as the very poor communities nearby. While offering these skills, the learners will receive something even more valuable: the hope of Christ through Christian education.
In the city of Taguatinga, a satellite city of Brasilia, the need and desire for English is palpable. People recognize the economic, academic and social benefits of being able to speak the global language. The problem is that even middle class families can’t afford to send their children to English schools, or attend themselves. We are committed to offering a quality English program to the community as well as the very poor communities nearby. While offering these skills, the learners will receive something even more valuable: the hope of Christ through Christian education.
As a non-profit project, we would greatly appreciate your help with footing the start-up costs. These costs include course books for students who cannot afford to buy their own, projectors for our classrooms, whiteboards, chairs for the students, facility utilities, marketing, and scholarships for our students from very low economic situations. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for considering being a part of this project!