Central Asia Learning Center
How can TeachBeyond partner with national Christian leaders in Central Asia to make His name known in some of the least-reached countries of Central Asia?
By providing what so many in the region want in order to “get ahead” – English and other learning opportunities - and then inviting them to what they need –transformation found in a relationship with Christ.
Currently God is using Sports Clubs and Language (English) Clubs as well as other outreach activities throughout the year to connect with Central Asian people. Our national leaders envision the establishment of a Learning Center to provide English classes, a bi-lingual pre-school, classes for Westerners learning local language and culture, and support for existing activities. It’s a big vision. The dream is for the Center to become a reproducible prototype for other Central Asian cities and to be self-sustaining financially. The need is for start-up funds to establish the center, open the doors, and move towards an income flow. Momentum is underway and roughly 20% of funding has already been raised. Consider your role in giving or, even, going as some expat involvement would be hugely impactful for the targeted ministries. (See TeachBeyond’s Opportunities Board and search “Asia”).