IES - Building for the Future

IES Enables Families to Serve
IES (International Education Services) makes Christian ministry possible here, in this predominately Muslim region of the Middle East, by providing education for children of ministry families. Our school’s families are working to advance the gospel in our city, across the country, the Middle East region, Central Asia, North Africa, and beyond.
All this is in jeopardy if we are unable to provide for their children’s education.
“This school has made all the difference in our family’s ability to minister here. Without IES, we would not be here.”
“We are very pleased to send our kids here. They love Jesus, they share the gospel, and their hearts are for Jesus.”
IES needs a permanent home. Why?
Renting is expensive and not sustainable long-term. M’s need IES for long-term family health A new building has higher earthquake safety – a big issue here. IES is the only option for Christian education in this mega city.
The best strategy to reach this country is a long-term gospel presence, and one of the primary determinative factors in a M’s ability to stay long-term is the education of their children. Our goal is to build a four-story building that will facilitate the education of approximately 250 children K-12 for the sake of the gospel and his name among the peoples of this country. To have that long-term, permanent presence, we need our own building.
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For school updates or information about other currency giving options contact Dustin or Lisa at [email protected].