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Mountainview Christian School - New Science Lab

Mountainview Christian School

Mountainview is a K-12 international school with over 200 students founded to further God’s kingdom in Indonesia by providing a high-quality Christian education to the children of expatriates serving in Christian ministry. We also contribute to His work directly by welcoming children from other expatriate and local families.

Science Lab & Large Classrooms

In order to continue this high-quality Christian education, Mountainview is fully renovating an old dormitory to transform the space into a science lab and 2 large classrooms. This new SPACE will allow students to explore sciences in greater depth and with more laboratory experiences. The additional larger classrooms will also better accommodate our secondary classes. We hope to outfit this renovated space with appropriate furnishings, technology, and science equipment.


Total cost of this Building Project is $239,000 (including renovation, furnishings, technology, and science equipment) 

Mountainview has saved $75,000 for this project and is seeking to raise the remaining $164,000 by June 2023. 

We invite YOU to become part of what God is doing through Mountainview by financially supporting this important project.


Our Story

Mountainview Christian School began in 1981 in a small rented building with 3 teachers and 15 students with the purpose of providing excellent education to families of Christian Service workers who came to minister to the people of Indonesia. Since that humble beginning, Mountainview has grown to over 200 students with 33 teachers and 3 administrators but remains committed to its initial mission and vision. The campus now includes both elementary and secondary buildings, gymnasiums, fine-arts auditorium, and two dormitories. Our Christian Service families represent many areas of ministry throughout Indonesia, including education, church development, community development, relief and compassion efforts.

Through the service of MCS, many Christian Service workers have been able to remain in Indonesia long-term as their children thrive academically, socially, and spiritually. Our graduates attend major English-speaking universities around the world, including Wheaton College, Penn State, National University of Singapore, and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Our alumni are leaders in their places of influence - including teachers, doctors, business owners, authors, and Christian Service workers who return to serve the people of Indonesia.