The Dagoni School is a partner school of TeachBeyond located on the French territory of Mayotte.
A devastating cyclone recently ravaged the island...
IES provides education for children of international Christian workers in a country closed to the gospel.
Our preschool exists to provide a quality education from a Word-based worldview that demonstrates the Son’s love to students from both believing...
According to UNICEF, due to the Covid pandemic, Latin America and the Caribbean are facing a massive educational crisis with the poor being the...
TeachBeyond Togo is nearly ready to purchase land for an educational center.
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God is working around the world to transform individuals and communities through education! Above are some specific TeachBeyond schools and educational initiatives that have exciting opportunities to grow and impact increasingly more learners with the gospel. We invite you to explore these projects and prayerfully consider how you can make an impact through your financial partnership.