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Belize Christian Academy (BCA) "Faith For The Future"

The Faith for the Future building project to accommodate 350 students will be implemented in three phases at a cost of $3.3 million on the 25-acre campus.

Phase 1: $1.3 million includes $320,000 for the purchase of 16 modular buildings. This phase is the initial construction of a standard classroom building (with a pair of new classrooms), a gymnasium, and an administration building.

Phase 2: $1 million includes the construction of two classroom buildings and the multi-purpose cafeteria building and other infrastructure changes.

Phase 3: $1 million includes two classroom buildings and a learning center.

This request is specific to Phase 1 for the immediate need of 14 additional modular buildings (2 were installed in February 2020 for K5 and Grade 1 and another 5 for Grades 2-6 in Summer 2021) due to the state of disrepair of current structures and to facilitate phase development. This year has been financially challenging and the campus is in dire need of modular buildings to house students today and to facilitate long-term impact and development.

BCA does not receive funding from the Belize government allowing the freedom to use an internationally recognized curriculum and the ability to sustain the mission to provide the best Christian education with a Biblical worldview. This necessitates outside support and funding for continued development.

This project will address the current need for the new buildings. The original primary wooden buildings designed to last 10-12 years are now 26 years old. They are poorly sealed and louver windows no longer close tightly, thus moisture from torrential rains and the tropical climate make for a breeding ground for pests. Despite efforts over the past three years to keep the buildings pest free, all of the primary classrooms have major issies with bats, woodpeckers, termites, and carpenter ants. In addition, the floor boars and structural supports for the kitchen, primary classrooms, administration bulding, and bathrooms are rotted and infested. It has become impossible to keep the buildings in good condition. The cost to provide the extensive cleaning and yearly maintenance when school is not in session has been approxiamtely $25-30,000 for 20 buildings. 

The new modular buildings will replace the infested, rotted buildings and ensure future plans for phasing full development of the Faith For The Future project. Over the next three years, modular buildings will be used for the computer lab, two administrative buildings, the kitchen, K4, Grade 2-8 classrooms, restrooms, and an arts and music learning center. Each fully out-fitted building costs between $17,000-$20,000 including delivery. We have recently found a contractor who is willing to offer a significant discount on multiple purchases. To date we have been able to purchase 7 modular classrooms with the funds donated from our generous partners. The buildings will ease the maintenance costs and provide a safer, clean learning environment for students.

Each comes with a cement pad for installation and is made of metal siding with windows that allow for a tight seal to prevent the onslaught of pests from ceilings and sidewalls. As new structures are completed for the project phases, each modular building will be sold for approximately $10-12,000 for investment into the permanent structures. The permanent structures will be made of high quality concrete reinforced with steel rebar. The structures will be hurricane proof and low maintenance. This project brings the current state of the campus up to standards to meet both mandatory and necessary programming.

A mandatory music program must be provided for grades 2-10, and the new space is needed for primary students who excel in the National Festival of Arts each year and perform around Belize. The phonics-based reading program is unique in the country and is necessary for the best educational options for students, in particular students learning English who require additional assistance in pull-out small groups. To meet the COVID-19 requirements, these programs will need unique spaces to maintain social distancing for students. The Ministry of Education also imposed COVID-19 requirements making it necessary to utilize one classroom as a sterilized space as shifted/blended learning environments are implemented on campus.

The transformational education upholding high academic standards offered at BCA is unique in Belize. The Batterman Family Foundation has a unique opportunity to impact this little school with a big heart where students continually excel and continue on to higher education. Graduates of BCA are known to go to universities around the world, but most return to Belize and become business owners, government personnel and people of influence.

BCA is education with a higher focus: focused on the future, faith and knowledge. The administration and staff members love Jesus, love the students and are passionate about teaching. Every year students are transformed through an education saturated with a Biblical Worldview. The students educated at BCA will be the future leaders and influencers to transform Belize and beyond.

The national director for TeachBeyond Belize is currently in the US to focus on raising funds for the capital campaign, “Faith For The Future”. In addition, there are funding efforts locally by the school and its constituents. Both will engage in these efforts virtually and when allowed, in-person, reaching out to potential partners.