Beyond Borders supports refugees and displaced children and adults with English educational programs designed to facilitate successful healing and learning. Education is a cross cutting solution to the global refugee crisis, and God is using it to heal and transform. Will you join with us as we join God in the margins and on the move?
You can partner with Beyond Borders by standing in the GAPS with children and adults experiencing displacement around the world.
GIVE. Give a special gift or become a monthly Beyond Borders giving partner. Your giving helps us provide education to children and adults. On average our programs cost about $35/ learner/ month.
ADVOCATE. Follow and share our pages on Facebook and @beyondborders_teachbeyond Instagram. Start a giving campaign and invite your friends to join in. Send us an email if you would like to host a Life Jacket screening event. We'd love to help you advocate!
PRAY. Our response begins with prayer. Sign up for updates and join in communal prayer.
SERVE. Learn about ways you can serve full-or part-time, as an educator and support staff onsite and remotely. Email [email protected] to learn more.
What We Do
We provide transformational education opportunities for refugees and those experiencing displacement, with an overarching commitment to "learn to heal" and "heal to learn" to become all God intends for us to be. We do this through developing and sharing training and curriculum resources with local organizations working with displaced students; through online English language classes with adult refugees; and through setting up mobile libraries in refugee communities. We work directly with our partners to provide an informal English language program to refugee children on the island of Lesvos.
Why We Serve
Global displacement is on the rise. An estimated 79.5 million people have been forced to flee from their homes this year. Nearly 26 million are refugees. Half are under 18. Globally, 1% of our population is displaced. Over 4 million refugee children do not have access to an education, which brings stability, safety, and hope for the future. (unhcr.org)
Throughout scripture God calls us to care for those most vulnerable, including His children experiencing displacement. In fact, God chose to displace Himself, coming to earth and living as a refugee in a foreign and then occupied land. God cares for those on the move, and He accomplishes His purposes and brings healing despite the borders humans erect. God commands us to love our global neighbor and to care for those most vulnerable. God can use education to extend love, transcend borders, bring hope and healing, and transform individuals and communities.