Last year BFA launched the Immeasurably More campaign - a collaborative effort by the BFA global community to ensure our long-term sustainability and expand our Kingdom impact by replacing our two oldest dorms with a new triple dorm.
We have been deeply encouraged by the response so far. Incredibly, I am able to report that thanks to gifts and pledges from donors as well as BFA’s own contribution, we are more than halfway to our nine million dollar goal! Our remaining need is $4 million.
Before December 31, 2024, our goal is to raise another $1 million towards this mission-critical project.
Whether you have been involved already, or would be giving to the ministry of BFA for the first time, would you prayerfully consider playing a part in the 2024 Year End Appeal? Every gift matters, large and small.
We aren’t hoping that God will do immeasurably more. We’re celebrating that He already has. Please join us.
Phil Dow, BFA Head of School
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