TeachBeyond partners with Heart for Global Grace Ministries, a nonprofit organization in Uganda that founded Grace Church. Grace Church, founded by and for refugees, desires for the children in their community to be given the tools to successfully integrate into the community where they have fled. Most of the members in this church ministry come from the Banyamulenge tribe in South Kivu, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. They are an ethnic group facing genocide.
While witnessing and grieving the destruction of their people and community back home, the church hopes to be a light and a blessing to their congregants and to the Ugandan community through education, which is believed to be the cross-cutting solution to the refugee crisis. With an education, a child who is integrated or resettled into a new country or repatriated to his or her homeland one day can contribute to society and create a sustainable future for his or her family. Investing in a refugee child's education is a sustainable way to invest in the entire family and community. The church currently has two classes in the after-school program, but more children are coming every day, creating a need for more classes.
With your help, more students will have their needs met so they can experience God's transformational love through an education at the Grace Project.
If you would like to sponsor a Grace Project student for $35/month, click here to choose a child.