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Sparrow Project Fund

The Sparrow Project is a foundational teacher education program seeking to equip and empower teachers at under-resourced schools across Africa.

serving under-resourced schools throughout Africa

What is the Sparrow Project?

The Sparrow Project is a foundational Teacher Education Program that works alongside under-resourced "sparrow" schools in Africa. Over a two-year period, student-teachers will explore how to teach from a Biblical perspective in a culturally contextualized environment that will result in transformation in themselves, their students, and their communities.

The Sparrow Project believes that transformed teachers will transform the hearts of their students. As the hearts of the students are transformed, it provides a catalyst for community Gospel- centered transformation. Through the Sparrow Project curriculum, teachers and leaders recognize that a Biblical foundation and their own personal relationship with Christ need to inform all that they do.

The Challenge:

did you know?


is the median age of Africa's population.


of Africa's population is the age of primary or secondary education.


By this year, half of the continent will still be under the age of 25.


of African children completed secondary school.

17 Million

teachers needed for achievement of universal education.
Our Response:

training teachers in:

  • Biblical Worldview/Gospel
  • How a Child Learns
  • Teaching Methods
  • Assessment Methods
  • Classroom Management
  • Lesson Planning
  • Trauma Informed Teaching
  • Teaching Numeracy
  • Teaching Literacy
Sparrow Project Teacher Training / USD$
Workbook & materials / teacher $200
Tuition for one teacher/year $300
Projector $400

support the Sparrow Project