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112: Building the Foundation of Our Hearts (with Brian Delamont)

In our final Spiritual Development episode of the season, we talk with Brian Delamont about how we can honor God with the condition and content of our hearts. As we intentionally build our lives on the firm foundation of the Gospel, the Holy Spirit sanctifies us and gives us supernatural peace.

  • Luke 6:45
  • “The condition and content of our hearts matter greatly to God.”
  • Proverbs 4:20-27
  • “It’s my responsibility to guard what’s in my heart and how it gets there.”
  • 2 Corinthians 1:21-22
  • “The way you and I can stand firm in Christ is by His Spirit, who lives in our hearts. The Spirit is the deposit, the promise of what’s to come when we’re fully sanctified in God’s presence.”
  • Philippians 4:6-8
  • Luke 6:46-49
  • Psalm 19:14
  • “God is the One who has purchased us so that we receive His righteousness. He has all the resources necessary to help my heart be the kind of heart He wants it to be. He’s also the rock, the foundation [...] He provides the foundation that my heart needs in order to stand firm when things shake.”

May Reflection: After reflecting on Psalm 19:14, what are you going to do with it?

What’s changing our lives:

  • Keane: City parks and recreation department
  • Heather: Not getting sick while traveling
  • Brian: Working in his yard

Weekly Spotlight: North Africa TCK Classical School

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