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116: The First 30 Daze (with Larry and Susan McCrary)

Want some practical advice and heartfelt encouragement for beginning well in a new place? Susan and Larry McCrary, seasoned missionaries and authors of The First 30 Daze, share their stories and suggestions for living intentionally in your first thirty days abroad and beyond.

  • The First 30 Daze: Practical Encouragement for Living Abroad Intentionally by Larry and Susan McCrary
  • “I think I’ve lost a lot of the pride I had to begin with. I’m okay with making a mistake, and I don’t have to be perfect. It actually has taken the pressure off.” - Larry
  • “This book helps you to move from just surviving to steps towards thriving in a new culture – and to thrive with intentionality.” - Larry
  • “We don’t have all of the answers. When we learn, it opens doors to a lot of good conversations, as opposed to when we come in as knowing it.” - Larry
  • “How wonderful that we can relax, not take ourselves too seriously. [...] I’ve learned over the years that the Lord has all of this in His plan, and we can just rest in Him and be okay with when we mess up, embracing that we’re still figuring out and that that’s an okay thing.” - Susan
  • “Whatever you’re doing now and you love – those can be some of your best ways to connect with people and live with intentionality when we move to a new place.” - Larry
  • “I’m joining what God’s already doing in this place.” - Susan

What’s changing our lives:

  • Keane: Getting air conditioning fixed
  • Heather: Sunflower season
  • Susan: Time with family
  • Larry: Aging parents

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18 Aug 23
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