120: He's Making Everything Glorious - A Calling Story (with Christy Biscocho)
Have you ever wondered if you actually heard from God when things don’t go as expected? Christy Biscocho shares her story of living on three different continents, serving the Lord as a single person and then with a family, learning to trust God in new ways through the journey.
- “I find it so energizing to help people figure out where their gifts fit.”
- “I think it’s time. I think it’s time for me to quit my beloved job and see if I can make an impact around the world.”
- “I was blessed to be able to get to know some of [the missionaries] and to realize that they were just normal people… I got to really see that they were just trying to live out their faith and that they weren’t some sort of superhero, but I don’t think that I ever expected to be one.”
- “I got to the point where I realized that if I didn’t try, I was going to regret it my whole life.”
- “What if it all falls apart? What if I fail? What if I have to come home?”
- “There was a picture of a boat that is moored to the dock, and it just felt like my boat wanted to go. I had to let the ropes go and see where it took me. I really just felt like that was what God was asking of me. And not that it’s been an easy sail - not at all - but it just seemed that resisting was futile.”
- TeachBeyond’s Sparrow Project
- “I was really the only person that was single in my 30s venturing into this environment, and so there was loneliness that I had to deal with.”
- “I was really questioning if I knew how to listen to God and if I could trust Him. It was really different than I had expected.”
- “My counselor pointed out to me all of Jesus’ emotions and that He felt them all, and so it was okay for me to feel fear or anger or whatever it might be. One of the most comforting thoughts to me was that Jesus was human.”
- “I was so willing to just do anything, so when it was ‘just wait,’ that was harder.”
- “I have given sessions at orientation on cultural adaptation, and I was not prepared to culturally adapt, married with kids.”
- “In whatever season you are in, it is essential to have people you can be honest with.”
- Everything Glorious by David Crowder Band
- “He makes everything glorious, and we are His. I would like to tell myself to just relax - He’s making it all glorious.”
What’s changing our lives:
- Keane: Drawing illustrations from kids’ books
- Heather: Yoga YouTube videos
- Christy: Facial massages and googly eyes
Weekly Spotlight: Roles with TeachBeyond
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