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177: Transformed Students to Transformed Adults in Tanzania - A Calling Story (with Emmanuel and Ruth Mbennah)

Emmanuel and Ruth Mbennah serve as TeachBeyond leaders in Tanzania with an amazing story and vision for their country. Hear how Emmanuel’s childhood experience with school and Ruth’s background as a teacher play into their ministry today.

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  • “Where I was born and where I grew up, there was no church, there was no school, there was no hospital, there was no road going to that place.” -Emmanuel
  • “No matter the circumstances in which one grows up, education can really define the destiny of the person. Education is key, education is possible. People regardless of where they are born and where they are raised; they have the potential to pursue education.” -Emmanuel
  • “I was fortunate to have a teacher who also had a heart to expose us to the Word of God, and then somehow God used that to propel me into a further search.” -Emmanuel
  • “You need education, but one that acknowledges and makes space for the learner to encounter the exposure to the Gospel so they can change.” -Emmanuel
  • “I celebrate telling this story because I see the hand of God in my life.” - Emmanuel
  • “We want teachers to know the Bible and to be able to transform students, and also students can transform communities.” -Ruth
  • “The Gospel story is actually our strong instrument when we talk about transformation.” -Ruth
  • “This is the kind of ministry that carries the mechanism that can lead to the realization of the promise of education.” -Emmanuel
  • “We want them to know this is a very unique opportunity for the transformation of communities through the Gospel, using education. So I would like to impact schools, owners, managers, teachers, to have the philosophy of transformational education become the philosophy of education for Tanzania.” -Emmanuel
  • “Everyone who has access to education must have access to education that can transform their lives.” -Emmanuel
  • “I’m not in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am a product of divine orchestration to be here now to do what I’m doing.” -Emmanuel
  • “I was not just lucky. God was up to something, and that something was for today, for such a time as this.” -Emmanuel
  • “I want the Gospel to transform every group that I meet when I train using Sparrow Project strategies.” -Ruth
  • “For us as believers, it’s not so much accomplishments as much as the grace of God that has propelled us to this point.” -Emmanuel

What’s changing our lives:

  • Keane: Online book club
  • Heather: Visiting a friend from university
  • Ruth: Sparrow Project techniques
  • Emmanuel: Speaking at a retreat and reflecting on his level of commitment

Weekly Spotlight: Sparrow Project

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21 Mar 25

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