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124: It Starts with Relationship - A Calling Story (with Marcos Reis)

How does a chiropractor fit in TeachBeyond? Listen to Marcos Reis share his story of finding his place, serving wholeheartedly, and seeing God move in exciting ways in Brazil.

  • “I was never a good evangelist, so through camps and retreats, I found a good way to serve in favor of evangelism.”
  • “The appeal of TeachBeyond goes far beyond formal classroom education. People with the most diverse initiatives have come to TeachBeyond because God is transforming lives through various forms of education.”
  • “Chairing the global board has been an opportunity to see God acting through many people He raised up. I tend to understand that my role in all of this is to facilitate the promotion of a space where people can speak and act according to what God has placed in their hearts.”
  • “God is giving us wisdom, God is giving us energy, God is giving us ideas to go through this. It’s amazing being used by God for things He is doing. God is so good that sometimes we can see the fruits of this work. We are not working for fruit, but sometimes in God’s grace, He allows us to see some fruit.”
  • “As everything starts with our relationship with God, it continues in relationship with each other.”
  • “I believe that God has a special appreciation for doing things in an unlikely time or environment, and this happens all the time in TeachBeyond.”
  • “What excites me most is the potential that God has developed through TeachBeyond so that diverse people from many languages, many cultures, many gifts can come together for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.”
  • “For many years we were a mission field; now, we are increasingly seeing ourselves as a hotbed of missions.”
  • “We are not looking for grow[th] just to grow; we are looking to be excellent, to be loving, to be humble, to act in partnerships. We are looking to our values, and God is bringing people who are inspired by these values, too.”
  • “God likes to establish relationships through which we perform actions.”

What’s changing our lives:

  • Keane: Replacing smoke alarms
  • Heather: Scented hand soaps
  • Marcos: Parenting and using time well

Weekly Spotlight: Beyond Inglês

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17 Nov 23
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