126: Why Evangelical Theology Needs the Global Church (with Stephen Pardue)
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Naturally, we view our faith through our own cultural lenses. There is so much to learn from the theological perspectives of other cultures. Our guest for this episode, author and professor Steve Pardue, shares from his experience growing up cross-culturally, teaching at the university level, and building friendships with people from many different countries.
- Check out the book by Steve Pardue: Why Evangelical Theology Needs the Global Church
- International Graduate School of Leadership
- Asia Graduate School of Theology
- “If you want to look at where the next generation of theological discourse is really emerging and where the church is vital and producing really interesting reflection on Scripture, look toward the majority world.”
- Majority World Theology by Gene Green, Stephen Pardue, and K. Yeo
- “How does culture matter for theology? And why is that not necessarily a threat, but actually a gift from God for God’s people to use as a Church from every tribe and tongue and nation gets together, worships, proclaims the Gospel, and perceives the Gospel in really deep and rich ways, but very different ways?”
- “Majority world is a way of describing where most people in the world actually live – Asia, Africa, and Latin America.”
- “Christianity has actually always been a global faith.”
- “Even in redeemed humanity, our cultural distinction persists. That’s part of how we worship God.”
- “To the degree we can, we want to encourage authentic partnership and fellowship across the nationals, and that is something that is uniquely Christian.”
- “God comes to earth and speaks with an accent.”
- Langham Literature
- “Be intentional about asking questions, and I think it’ll unfold from there.”
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