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132: Education in the Dominican Republic - A Calling Story (with Cesar Valdez)

God often uses our past experiences to shape the opportunities we have to serve others. Cesar Valdez shares his personal story of being raised to value education, choosing to follow the Lord, and having an impact through Christian education across his home country of the Dominican Republic.

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  • “Education is the perfect tool to share the Gospel, to communicate God’s words, to impact the lives of others.”
  • Arbor Christian Academy
  • “Sometimes, we are in a position of leading others or giving to others, but at the end of the day, I’m receiving more than what I am giving.”
  • “I’m being transformed at the same time I’m trying to promote transformational education.”
  • “I had the blessing to become a Christian at a young age, and that was another determining factor in my life. Now, I’m trying to help others to break the line of poverty… That is one of the most exciting things we can do here, trying to help other kids, other students like I was, to have the access, opportunity to have a different life.”
  • “Spend more time enjoying God than trying to be an activist.”
  • “Easily we can find ourselves doing missions without God.”
  • Pray for: Building campaign for Arbor Christian Academy, volunteers to serve in the Dominican Republic, and more Dominican missionaries to serve through TeachBeyond

What’s changing our lives:

  • Keane: Getting passport renewed
  • Heather: Peaceful snowfall and not having to drive in it
  • Cesar: Playing basketball with his son and a new season of parenting

Weekly Spotlight: Open Schools Worldwide

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19 Jan 24
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