146: Doing Life Together (with Brian Delamont)
What does it look like to honor God and others while living in community? Brian Delamont returns to the podcast to share about the foundation of prayer, the path through problems, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
- “Doing life together will connect you with prayer, with problems, and with power.”
- Philippians 1:3-7, 9-11
- “When we do life together, that’s when God gives us this wonderful, awkward, uncomfortable opportunity to grow, to take what I see is lacking in someone else’s life and to pray about it, to thank God every time I remember them, to pray that their love for God will abound more and more.”
- Philippians 1:27, 29
- “God grants, in His sovereignty, these problems so that on behalf of Christ we see the work of God moving forward towards the completion He intends for us.”
- Philippians 4:2
- “Resolving conflict, forgiving, giving up our rights for the sake of another - that’s hard. And this is where God, by His Spirit, forms genuine community.”
- “The only way that we can live this out is when we connect our lives with the life and power of Christ.”
- Philippians 2:1-5
- “Being united with Christ will lead us to be like-minded, to have the same love, to be one in spirit and one in mind.”
- Philippians 1:6
- “He who began a good work in you, the One who has intentions for you, for those you are doing life together with, He will carry it on. He himself is the ‘how’ to lead you to transformation.”
April Reflection:
- How will you strengthen your connection to doing life together?
- How will the problems you’re facing strengthen your connection as you do life together?
- How will you live confidently in the power of the One who began a good work in you and is still moving that work forward until the day when everything and everyone becomes all that God intends?
What’s changing our lives:
- Keane: Sons beginning extracurricular activities
- Heather: Sensible Shoes book series
- Brian: Getting a new coffee maker
Weekly Spotlight: ENLACE LinGo Centre
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