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150: Student Teaching and Beyond - A Calling Story (with Katherine Haschig)

Katherine Haschig shares about student teaching abroad, choosing to stay at that school as a classroom teacher, and seeing the Lord at work through Gospel-centered transformational education all across Africa. 

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  • “I’ve definitely always wanted to be a teacher. That’s been in my heart for forever, but living overseas was not really something I envisioned or planned on doing.”
  • “I was at this pivotal time where I could really do anything.”
  • “I’m not a super adventurous person; I kind of really like my comfort zone. This was really shocking for everyone - including myself.”
  • “That’s really my favorite part - getting to be with the teachers, getting to take school visits, see their schools, see what they’re like, and train the teachers with this curriculum we have.”
  • “I have had the privilege to take what I just learned sort of recently [in university] and add that into part of our curriculum.”
  • “We have no idea the ways God is going to lead us and guide us and direct us.”
  • “God, here I am. I’m here to serve You in whatever capacity that looks like.”

What’s changing our lives:

  • Keane: Geocaching
  • Heather: Playing the board game Wingspan
  • Katherine: Reading books on a Kindle

Weekly Spotlight: Student Teaching with TeachBeyond

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