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161: A Lifetime of Service - A Calling Story (with Jack Stenekes)

Jack Stenekes has been serving with TeachBeyond (formerly Janz Team) for over 50 years, first on the stage and then behind the scenes in administration and finance. What stories and wisdom does he have to share? Listen in to hear his heart for evangelism and faithful obedience to the Lord.

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  • Learn more about the history of Janz Team and TeachBeyond in Episode 159: The Roots of TeachBeyond with George and Beverley Durance.
  • “Music was to undergird and support the work of evangelism, and it always was meant that way.”
  • “We’d have up to 80% unchurched kids that would come out for these events, and I think in those occasions, I realized, ‘Wow, God is doing something very remarkable through our presentation of the Gospel through music and through the preaching of the Word.’”
  • “Even though changes were there, doors of opportunity also became available.”
  • “It’s not necessarily a person’s ability, but a person’s availability.”
  • “When God closes a door, He opens a window.” - Corrie Ten Boom
  • “When you do look back, you see it in perspective, and that’s not possible when you’re in it. With all of the changes that took place, I’m just so grateful that the Lord impressed upon me just to stick with it and do what you need to do at the moment.”
  • “Let’s do this together. The Lord has a way forward. He has solutions for us, and I’m happy to be part of it. A person doesn’t have to be in the limelight; that’s not necessarily where it’s at.”
  • “Anticipate that God is going to continue to give you a means to serve.”
  • “Our vision and our purpose should be to reach people for Christ.”
  • “That’s my prayer for the organization - that we actually aim for the heart of people, not just for their minds.”
  • “God is going to provide what we need for the moment in the times of challenge.”

What’s changing our lives:

  • Keane: Getting a large white board
  • Heather: Stories from the 70th anniversary episodes
  • Jack: Getting older and learning a new pace

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22 Nov 24

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