Extending the Mission at Rainforest

“I’d like to mentor our chapel band so they understand what worship is really about.” These are the words from Ari*, Rainforest Academy Asia’s (Rainforest) first 12th-grade student. As he’s grown up within the walls of Rainforest, Ari has built a passion to spread the joy of all he’s learned about worship and the Creator to those around him. His ardent desire to pour into those only a few years younger is reflective of a budding culture at Rainforest centered on bringing up the next generation.
A group of individuals that previously taught at Rainforest are similarly working to extend the mission of Rainforest. Lina is one of 2 teachers that has started a ‘learning house,’ a place for local kids to receive an education in particularly impoverished areas. Lina started this ministry in her own home after being inspired by the education and Christ-centered work being done at Rainforest.
The director of Rainforest Academy Asia, Andrew, plans to involve secondary-aged students in helping at these learning houses in order to establish an integrative community of support and development. Andrew has been incredibly inspired by those like Ari and Lina that are taking the initiative to aid the tangible and intangible needs of the world’s most vulnerable. God truly has had His hands over this school and the many individuals that breathe life into it!
Rainforest Academy Asia (Rainforest) provides care and education for those aged 2 all the way to 18. They use an international curriculum for a variety of subjects, of which all are taught in English. Since its inception in 2008 in this creative access country, the school has bloomed from 40 to now 270 students!
The school was initially formed by 7 families that noticed a lack of quality education available in the area. After noticing this need, these families created what is now Rainforest Academy Asia in hopes of spreading the love and hope of Christ through education.
Pray for Rainforest Academy Asia
- Pray for the fulfillment of staffing needs. Teachers are truly at the heart of this mission and are key to having a fruitful school year. For a list of potential openings, please check out the opportunity board.
- Pray for an upcoming fundraising campaign that will go towards the construction of a new building. This space will allow the Academy to continue to grow and reach more students.
- Pray that teachers and students alike feel empowered to expand their reach to the surrounding areas and boldly become the salt and light of the world.