Grasping Transformation Sparks Change

Grasping Transformation Sparks Change
All the meetings impacted me, shares teacher Elisabeth Jaha, Christian Academy, Mozambique, (CAM) who recently attended TeachBeyond's Africa Regional Conference, held in Johannesburg. I felt the need to be transformed first, in order to transform my children. In sum, it changed the way I see God. I need to pray more with my students and link every lesson to the Gospel. It made me thirstier for the Holy Spirit to live in me, so that I can have a better classroom and more Christ-like students.
Some 22 staff from CAM were able to attend. Teaching is a calling, says Duane Pass, Director of CAM. The heart of the child has to be your focus. It was exciting to see teachers and staff grasp this at the conference. You can't transform a child (with the Gospel) unless you yourself have been transformed. He said the gathering provided good opportunities for heart transformation, worship, inspiration, and talking with school staff from other countries.
Another teacher, Ernesto Chiandela says, the conference allowed me to meet and engage with other history teachers and share some knowledge. I could also interact with other Portuguese-speaking people (Brazilians).
Back at the school in Maphuto, Mozambique, 60% of the children are from local families, meaning they have Portuguese as their heart language. The school that started in 1996 offers classes from kindergarten to Grade 12. Director Duane notes that within a month of attending school, the children are able to greet each other in English. Within 3 to 6 months, they are functioning well in their English classes.
The school has many fun dress-up days like Twins Day, Senior Citizen/Baby Day, Career Day, and Retro Day. These bring the school family together to have fun and build closer relationships.
At CAM, post-conference, We have experienced a fresh passion for our calling as educators, Duane shares. There has also been an improved sense of togetherness among the staff. The staff feel more anchored in their understanding and identity with the TeachBeyond mission and values.
About Christian Academy Mozambique
- The School started in 1996.
- Has 132 students.
- Offers classes from Kindergarten to Grade 12.
Pray for Christian Academy Mozambique
- Pray for all our teachers as they try to really show the students what a life transformed by the Holy Spirit looks like. As well, we are looking for a Teacher and Curriculum Development Manager. Learn more about this opportunity.
- Another big challenge is the sand road outside the school. It floods during each rainy season, which lasts from November to February. It has meant sometimes closing the school because the road is absolutely impassable. The school's existing classrooms are also too small, and this has been affecting enrollment.