English Camp Ministry: Sharing a Conversation with Someone New

While the typical TeachBeyond member is serving at the front of a classroom, the summer months offer different opportunities for transformational education. TeachBeyond’s English camps provide opportunities to connect with students of all ages in a nontraditional setting. Last month, one such camp in Goiania, Brazil, has shown just how much impact such camps can make in 4 days' time.
I spoke to Paulo, who works with Beyond Inglês and served as one of the teachers at this year’s English camp in Goiania.
“Our family was praying for a vacation. As we heard about the need for teachers we volunteered, and it was a huge blessing.” Paulo told me they had about 15 adults attending the camp who wanted to experience language immersion with a focus on missions. A large focus of English camps is for people attending to be able to practice speaking English, which is the perfect opportunity to share a conversation with someone new, to spend time learning about each other, and sharing testimony in a fun and casual setting. “For this camp, that meant spending time playing baseball, flag football, and ultimate frisbee, but also included creating a small immersion village so people could practice their English by buying and selling goods to one another. It was a lot of fun!”
The camp was a lot of fun for everyone involved, but it was also a chance to come together in faith. Paulo told me his family “shared our testimonies as missionaries and encouraged them (the students) to continue on their journey of faith.” The students were energized and encouraged by their camp experience, and many of them have asked to continue their conversations through online classes in the coming year. As for Paulos, his family, and the rest of the team running the camp, “We were blessed and renewed by the opportunity. We’re ready to do it again in 2024.”
We are thankful for these opportunities to use the simple act of conversation to connect with others in faith. Whether someone is moving overseas or going on a short-term missions trip, there are so many opportunities for sharing the Gospel.
Pray for our English Camps in Brazil (both in Goiania and Brasilia)
More opportunities to use English Camps as a venue to bring transformational educational and bless other students and missionaries in need of English language learning.
Strength, vision and endurance when the next steps seem to be unclear.
For the missionaries from YWAM that are now becoming Beyond Inglês students but are struggling to afford or even attend the classes due to a range of difficulties.
For supporters willing to cover scholarships or even for the costs related to the program, in things such as: curriculum, zoom subscription, potential new staff.
Campaign Link: https://www2.teachbeyond.org/give/project/beyondingles