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The Most Precious Thing I Can Give

The Most Precious Thing I can Give

I have no money and no power, but this is the most precious thing I can give to you. It transformed my life and I’m sure it will transform yours too,said 17-year-old Stephen, as he handed over a copy of an Arabic New Testament, to 2 prisoners at the local jail. Stephen is a grade 12 student at Dakar Academy Central in West Africa and part of the International Christian Fellowship church. The church had a ministry visiting youth at the prison and Stephen wasn’t originally too eager to go. He was encouraged by another friend, Alejandro, to try it. They played games and shared a meal with some of the prisoners. 

While there, Stephen, who is originally from Egypt, thought he recognized 2 non-Senegalese men as Arabs. Sure enough, when Stephen got chatting with them, he learned they were from Syria. The 2 had been caught in Senegal with fake passports and put in jail. At this point in the conversation, Stephen says, “I was trying to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Then I asked them, ‘Would you like to read the Bible?’ They said 'yes!'” He returned the next day but was denied entry to the prison. Stephen went back the day after that and was given access to the 2 men. He assured them he would be back to help answer any questions they had.  

Jared Fitz, Bible Department Head at Dakar Academy Schools, notes that volunteering and service trips are promoted and encouraged. In the Fall, students and staff can participate in a one-day Service Trip. There are multiple sites to choose from, offering a wide variety of choice: everything from helping missionaries in their daily work to helping at a deaf schoolIn the Spring, they have the option to do a Field Service Experience, which usually involves an overnight trip. “We offer an all-encompassing education” Jared says. “We want to develop servant leaders.” 

Stephen kept his promise and was back within 2 weeks to meet with them again. It wasn’t easy to do. They were denied entry several times, because the guards knew Stephen and Alejandro were the ones who gave the prisoners the Bible. Finally, they were allowed to go in, but they had to meet in the main office. “I asked the 2 young Arab men if they had read it. They said, ‘We finished it! We read the Bible every day without being bored. It was all clear; it all made sense!’” After talking some more about their questions and sharing Bible verses, Stephen asked if they wanted to accept God and Jesus or not. They said, “If God wants. So, Stephen asked if he could pray with them. “At this point, the guards kicked us out. ‘Not one more minute’ the guards insisted.’” 

Stephen and Alejandro tried to follow-up and see the men again. They could not get permission to enter the prison. Finally, through a connection with one of the guards, they learned that the men had been returned to Syria.  

“I look at this story of these 2 men,“ Stephen reflects, They traveled all the way from Syria and stayed in the prison for 6 months in Senegal. Then they go back to Syria just after getting to know him (God and Jesus). It is amazing that God has a unique way for everything,”  

Stephen is currently in his senior year at Dakar Academy and is looking to attend university in the United States. He continues to go to the prison with his friend.   

Dakar Academy Schools, Senegal, W. Africa

3 Campuses

  • Dakar Academy Central - 250 students, represents 54 countries

    • Offers PreK – Grade 12

    • Opened in 1961

  • Dakar Academy West – (120 students), represents 29 countries

    • Offers Pre-Kindergarten – Grade 8

    • Opened in 2019

  • Dakar Academy South – (20-30 students), represents 11 countries

    • Offers Kindergarten – Grade 8

Please Pray for Dakar Academy Schools

  • Thursday the 16th, is a service day for middle school and high school students. Pray that the students stay safe, are able to accomplish their work and can shine the light of Jesus. We pray that the students can be reminded of the importance of serving and pray for all the different projects that are being helped—that they can continue to grow and be a light in Senegal.
  • Pray for our students who are wrestling with their faith - whether they come from a Christian family or other. We see students from all walks of life struggling and asking good questions.
  • The school is hosting their second annual book drive for the libraries of our 3 campuses. Click here to view the amazon wish list.

*Image: Jared Fitz, Bible Dept Head is on the left with Stephen on the right


15 Nov 23
by Ramona Brown Monsour, Communications

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