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The Silver Lining of Blended Learning

Rainforest Academy of Southeast Asia

“The highlight of this past year was the graduation in early June for my Kindergarten students,” shares Rainforest Academy teacher Sylvia.* “We really wondered how they were going to learn important basic skills, like reading, online. Amazingly, they did!”

Sylvia is 1 of 3 Kindergarten teachers at the school. Rainforest Academy was started in 2009 and now has approximately 200 students. They are spread out from nursery school all the way to the end of High School. The school day starts at 7:30 a.m. for everyone from Kindergarteners to High School students.

Right now, they are offering Blended Learning with some classes online and others in person, with strict health protocols. For the Kindergarten students, the only day they all come together is on Fridays via the internet. Monday to Thursday they are split into 2 groups and alternate days for in person or online classes.

“We have found ourselves having to multitask when we are teaching,” says Sylvia. “We are using the white board, PowerPoint and any other resources we have during our 1.5 – 2-hour online class. We still give our very best. We have to be very creative.

“A silver lining to the situation is that we have been able to involve the families more. It has really helped for the school to feel more like a community. A family,” she shares. “It has really enriched my faith.”

Pray for Rainforest Academy

  • Pray for the staff at Rainforest Academy to be strong and to walk tall with God when facing challenges. This year they are focusing on a message of Hope. For a complete list of openings check out the Opportunity Board.
  • Pray for more students to come to Rainforest Academy for their education. They need more families to register their children and become part of the school community.
  • The school is currently in need of new resources and materials for teachers. To donate to help teachers get the resources they need click here.
25 Oct 21
by Guest
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